Terms of Use

These Terms of Use are our rules if you want to use the Bridge U platform or other services that can be found on

app.bridge-u.comconnect.bridge-u.comuniversities.bridge-u.combridgeu.bettermode.io and bridge-u.com

(together known as the “Platform”).

These rules apply to all users and visitors and apply when you upload things, make contact with other users on the Platform or use it in any other way.

Who we are and how to contact us

Our company name is BridgeU Limited, our company number is 08989432 and our office address is Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London, England SE1 9DE.

By using our Platform you agree to these rules

By using our Platform, you confirm that you agree to these rules and you agree to comply with them.

If you do not agree to these rules, you must not use our Platform.

We recommend that you print a copy of these rules so you can read them in the future if you want to, and if there is anything under these rules that you do not understand, we suggest you let your parent or counsellor know and they may be able to assist, or you or your parent / counsellor can contact us at hi@bridge-u.com

There are other policies that may apply to you

We may make changes

We amend these rules from time to time. Every time you wish to use our Platform, please check
these Terms of Use to ensure you understand the rules that apply at that time. These were most
recently updated on 3 April 2023.

Our Rules

  1. Don’t use our Platform to do anything illegal or to do anything we tell you not to do.
  2. Do not pretend to be someone else when using our Platform.
  3. Do not use our Platform to harm anyone, including children, in any way.
  4. Don’t bully anyone or use our Platform to do anything horrible to other people.
  5. Don’t use our Platform to advertise or try to sell anything or to send spam messages.
  6. Don’t upload or send any type of virus or do anything that might interfere with the way Platform works, its software, network or equipment or damage it in any way.
  7. Don’t copy or try to re-sell any part of our Platform.
  8. Don’t let anyone else use your account.
  9. Keep your password secret.
  10. Let us know immediately if you find out someone else is using your account or password.
  11. When you contribute to our Platform (e.g. by posting on the BridgeU Community platform, messaging or sharing a note with another user, or requesting something, such as a letter of recommendation from someone) your contribution or what you upload:-


  1. be accurate if you are stating a fact;
  2. be your real opinion if you are giving your opinion and so long as it does not breach these Terms of Use;

Must not:-

  1. say something about someone that is not true;
  2. be anything showing violence, or that might make other people feel scared, or offend them, or any images that contain nudity;
  3. bully, insult, intimidate, upset, threaten, embarrass or humiliate any person, or invade their privacy or make them worried or anxious;
  4. contain any sexual or illegal material or be in breach of any court order;
  5. encourage or try to persuade anyone else to do something illegal either directly or indirectly;
  6. promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
  7. infringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person;
  8. be likely to deceive or trick another person;
  9. breach any legal duty owed to someone else;
  10. pretend to be someone else, or pretend to have connections or an identity you don’t have;
  11. give the impression that what you upload or your contribution comes from BridgeU, if it doesn’t;
  12. contain any advertising or promote any services or web links to other sites that have not been approved by BridgeU.

Interactive services

We may from time to time provide interactive services on our Platform (“Interactive Services”).

These include allowing users to send messages to other users, to share a note with one another, or request something such as a letter of recommendation from someone.

We do not moderate these contributions and uploads. This means that we do not routinely check their contents and what is written in them.

We do our best to assess any possible risks for users (in particular for children) when they use any interactive services provided on our Platform. However, we are under no obligation to oversee or monitor interactive services on our Platform. We are not responsible for when users break the rules, or for any loss or damage caused by that. We expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of interactive services by a user.

We advise parents whose children use an interactive service that it is important that they communicate with their children about their safety online. Minors who are using any interactive service should be made aware of the potential risks to them.

How to complain about content uploaded by other users

If you wish to complain about something you see on our platform, please contact us on hi@bridge-u.com. If you are a child you may wish to discuss it first with an adult such as your parent or teacher.

Your Rights and Our Rights

  1. We either own, or have permission to use all of the information on our platform and all of the material published on it.
  2. It is protected by copyright laws but you can download, print or copy anything from our platform to use it for yourself.
  3. Once downloaded or printed or copied you cannot change the text or images in any way and you must tell people it comes from our platform.
  4. If you want to use the material on our platform to make money you have to get our permission first.
  5. If you do not stick to these rules we might decide to stop you using our platform and we might ask you to return any of our materials from the platform to us.

Breaking The Rules

If we decide that you have broken these rules we will decide what will happen next.

Breaking the rules may mean we

  1. Stop you being able to use our platform permanently or temporarily.
  2. Remove something you have uploaded to our platform either permanently or temporarily.
  3. Give you a warning.
  4. Take you to court in a legal case where we ask you to pay the costs of taking the case to court.
  5. Take other legal action against you.
  6. Let the police or other authorities know if we think that is reasonable or if the law says we have to do this.
  7. Take other action that we think is reasonable and appropriate.

If these Terms of Use are breached, we get to decide how to respond and we are not responsible for the impact our decisions may have on your use of the Platform.

We may suspend or withdraw our Platform

We do not guarantee that our Platform, or any content on it, will always be available.

We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of our Platform if we need to for business and operational reasons.

We will try to give you reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal.

You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our Platform through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.


BridgeU Community is an additional function accessible from a URL link (URL link to be added after launch) within the Platform which is BridgeU’s online community network for school counsellors.
School counsellors are able to access the BridgeU Community by using their existing BridgeU Platform credentials. These additional terms of use for BridgeU Community (“BridgeU Community Terms of Use”) apply when you access and use the BridgeU Community Platform and are supplementary to the Terms of Use set out above.

You should read these BridgeU Community Terms of Use together with our Terms and ConditionsPrivacy PolicyCookie PolicyTerms of Use and any other policies, terms and notices, referenced here or available on our website, before you start to use BridgeU Community.

If you do not agree or accept these BridgeU Community Terms of Use, or any other of our policies, terms, and notices as referenced above, then you should not use BridgeU Community.

We amend our policies, terms, and notices from time to time. These Additional Terms of Use were recently updated on: 3 April 2023.


By accessing and using BridgeU Community, you grant to BridgeU a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, transferrable, irrevocable licence to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, display, translate, distribute, modify, edit, and make derivative works of all such user content your user content in any existing or future media and for the purposes of providing the BridgeU Community platform.

By posting any user content on BridgeU Community, you grant, represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to BridgeU a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, transferrable, irrevocable licence to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, display, translate, distribute, modify, edit, and make derivative works of all such user content and your name and other personal data as contained in your user content, in whole or in part, and in any form, media or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, for use in connection with BridgeU Community.

You also grant each BridgeU Community user a non-exclusive licence to access your user content on the BridgeU Community Platform.

We own or have a licence to use any logos, trademarks, images, videos, designs, content, processes or systems displayed on the Platform.

Third Party Information

There may be third party links posted or made accessible on BridgeU Community Platform, we do not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the information or third party, and any of their products and services, and we are not responsible for the quality, accuracy, and completeness of the information.

BridgeU Community Moderation and Reporting

BridgeU staff will administer the BridgeU Community and reserve the right to remove or modify any user content for any reason and without prior notification to the responsible user, in BridgeU’s sole discretion including, but not limited to, any user content that, breaches the Terms of Use and these BridgeU Community Terms of Use.

You agree that you are responsible for all user content which you post, upload, share, or input on BridgeU Community. BridgeU does not warrant, endorse, guarantee or assume responsibility for the user content posted, uploaded, shared or input on the BridgeU Community Platform.

You may report any inappropriate activity or BridgeU Community user content please contact us on hi@bridge-u.com.

Breaking The Rules

If we decide that you have broken these rules or any of the rules that we have set out in our Terms of Use or in these BridgeU Community Terms of Use we will decide in our sole discretion what will happen next. The steps that we may take are set out in our Terms of Use above.

Governing Law

Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these BridgeU Community Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim.

English Language

These BridgeU Community Terms of Use are only written in the English language. If English is not your first language, it is your responsibility to have them translated. We are not responsible for any errors, omissions or misunderstandings that happen if you translate any of the text here.

Limitation Of Liability

We use our best efforts to make sure that the information and content on our website is accurate, correct and up-to-date. The BridgeU Community is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the fullest extent permitted under law, we do not make any warranty or representation, express or implied, under statute, common law or otherwise, relating to the BridgeU website or any of its content, including its fitness for purpose, quality, accuracy, or availability.

You acknowledge that the BridgeU Community may from time to time require maintenance or experience technical difficulties that results temporary interruptions or limited availability. BridgeU reserve the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently the BridgeU Community with or without notice.

We are not liable or responsible for:

Nothing shall exclude our liability for fraud, death or personal injury as a result of our negligence, or any other liability which cannot be excluded by applicable law.

How To Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding these BridgeU Community Terms of Use, please contact us on hi@bridge-u.com.


These additional terms of use (“Additional Terms of Use”) apply when you use the BridgeU website to create and submit an application to study at our partner universities or other higher education institutions (“Application”).

You should read these Additional Terms of Use together with our Terms and ConditionsPrivacy PolicyCookie PolicyTerms of Use and any other policies, terms and notices, referenced here or available on our website, before you start to use the BridgeU website to create an Application.

If you do not agree or accept these Additional Terms of Use, or any other of our policies, terms, and notices as referenced above, then you should not use the BridgeU website to create or submit Applications.

We recommend that you print a copy of these rules so you can read them in the future if you want to, and if there is anything under these rules that you do not understand, we suggest you let your parent or counsellor know and they may be able to assist, or you or your parent / counsellor can contact us at hi@bridge-u.com.


We amend our policies, terms, and notices from time to time. Every time you wish to use our website to create or submit an Application, please check to ensure you understand the rules that apply at that time. These Additional Terms of Use were recently updated on: 18/01/2022

English Language

These Additional Terms of Use are only written in the English language. If English is not your first language, it is your responsibility to have them translated. We are not responsible for any errors, omissions or misunderstandings that happen if you translate any of the text here.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. You can read our privacy policy here https://production-cn-assets.bridge-u.com.cn/privacy/index.html

If you do not want to provide your personal information to us, then you are not obliged to, but you may not be able to make use of our website or create or submit an Application if you do not.

The Services Relating to Applications


You allow us to use all data, information, documents, or other materials that you provide as a part of your Application:

We own or have a licence to use any logos, trademarks, images, videos, designs, content, processes or systems displayed on our website.

Our Rules

The rules that you must follow when using the BridgeU website to create and submit Applications are listed here. These rules should be read together with the rules that are described in our Terms of Use.

Accuracy of Information

You must provide accurate, correct and up-to-date information when you create an Application including any documents that you are required to upload.

Completeness of Information

The information you provide must be complete and you must provide all the mandatory information as determined by our partner institutions. If you do not provide all the mandatory information, you may not be able to submit an Application.

Permission of Others

You must have the permission from any other person, such as a referee or emergency contact, to share their personal information. You must have permission from any third party, such as your school, college, or place of work or volunteering, to share any information from them.

Notification of Changes

If any of the information you provide changes or becomes inaccurate, you will promptly update the information on an Application if it has not yet been submitted. If an Application has been submitted, you are responsible for informing the university, or higher education institution, promptly and directly. You cannot make changes to Applications on the BridgeU website after they have been submitted.

Right to Study

You must have the legal right to use the BridgeU website, to submit Applications to higher education institutions, and to study at those institutions, including complying with any relevant immigration law and the conditions of any required visa.


You are not located in a country that is subject to any Government sanctions, and you are not listed on any Government list of prohibited or restricted parties, that would prevent you studying at an institution you apply to.

The Things We Will And Won’t Do

Partners and Programs

We provide information about a range of universities and higher education institutions and their programs, but you acknowledge that only certain institutions partner with us to allow you to apply to them on the BridgeU website. These partners may only make certain programs available to apply for on the BridgeU website and they may offer other programs outside of the BridgeU website that you need to apply for in some other way.

Program Information

The Program Information may change at any time as it is determined by the partner institution. This means the Program Information may not always be accurate or up-to-date on our website. We may change or withdraw Program Information at any time.

Third Party Information

We provide links to Third Party Information when we think it will help you. We do not endorse the information or third party, and any of their products and services, and we are not responsible for the quality, accuracy, and completeness of the information.

Application Verification

We do not verify any of the information you provide in an Application including, but not limited to, the verification of your identity, education history, previous applications to study, or to check for whether you have copied material without permission. The partner institution is solely responsible for verifying your Application and they may contact you if they have any questions. Though, under our rules, it is expected that you ensure that all the information and documents you provide in your Application are accurate, correct and up-to-date.

Application Evaluation

We do not evaluate your Application for quality or try to identify any mistakes. The evaluation of your Application is solely the responsibility of the partner institution that you apply to. We are not responsible for the success of your Application.

Application Progression

Once you have submitted an Application, then any communication, requests for clarification or further information, or any other activity, will be solely between you and the partner institution.

Offers and Deferrals

We do not make any decisions about your Application to study. The partner institution is solely responsible for deciding to make an offer to you or not, and for any decision relating to a deferral or any other change to the program of study.

Fees, Grants and Payments

We do not accept or handle payments of any kind on the BridgeU website. The institution is solely responsible for making any decisions regarding fees, grants, and financial assistance of any kind, and you are responsible for paying any deposit, fees, or charges to them (or any third party that they appoint).

Cancellation and Refunds

We are not responsible for handling or deciding on any request that you make to cancel or change the program of study you have applied to. The institution is solely responsible for deciding if any changes can be made, including cancellation, and what payments may or may not be refunded.

Breaking The Rules

If we decide that you have broken these rules or any of the rules that we have set out in our Terms of Use we will decide what will happen next. The steps that we may take are set out in our Terms of Use.

Governing Law

Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Additional Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim.

Limitation Of Liability

We use our best efforts to make sure that the information and content on our website is accurate, correct and up-to-date. To the fullest extent permitted under law, we do not make any warranty or representation, express or implied, under statute, common law or otherwise, relating to the BridgeU website or any of its content, including its fitness for purpose, quality, accuracy, or availability.

We are not liable or responsible for:

Nothing shall exclude our liability for fraud, death or personal injury as a result of our negligence, or any other liability which cannot be excluded by applicable law.

How To Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding these Additional Terms of Use for Applications, please contact us on hi@bridge-u.com.